Create a Customer Centric Brand !

Amazing Books that will help you achieve competitive advantage in Customer Service & Leadership


Customer Plus

Customer Plus

How to stay competitive in the age of customer service

This book is recommended for everyone in Customer facing role!

Customer Plus is the ultimate guidebook to learning different aspects of Customer Service; including the Customer, the Experience and the Service, in a simplified & comprehensible manner! The book explores how to develop customer centricity & its competitive advantages.

Leadership Plus

Leadership Plus

Discover the leader within

This book is recommended for those seeking to transform their vision into reality!

Offers invaluable insights on discovering the leader within you! Narrated as a discussion between two individuals, this book deeply discusses leadership mindset & behavior.

10 day hotel management

The 10 Day Hotel Management

Learn Hotel Management basics in 10 days

This book is recommended for those seeking to learn Fundamentals of Hotel Management.

Offers invaluable insights & handholds every aspiring professional in the hospitality sector through a step-step guide to Hotel Management Fundamentals.